Bloomin Tuesday - My Entry!

I love it when I can clean out our entry area. It is a sure sign that spring is here. It is 42* here and that is so perfect to be able to finally get outsie and clean out flower beds.

The snow is melted and there are things coming up all over!

Here are a few pictures


I have to share a minute about this entry way - it was one of those spots that was awful to work in. It was a shade garden and I didn't know anything about shade gardening. Several years ago I decided to give shade gardening a try and put in an Oriental Garden. The entry way with the tree is so perfect for it. I added bamboo sticks, bamboo wind chime and oriental pots. We added the rock square (above) because we had a hard time getting things to grow right under the tree. It adds so much ambience to the garden area . You can't see it but there are large glass marbles scattered through the rock. The plants in this area include sweet woodruff, columbine, lilly's, hosta's, and more. I add pansy's, begonia's and other oriental annuals to the pots. Each year I choose a color theme for this area, thinking about doing it in coral and purple this year, but still not for sure. I hope to find an oriental statue this summer to add to this garden.

You can see a few plants!
Then it started to rain then I had to come in the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is what we woke up to today - same space! Good thing I cleaned out yesterday - when the snow melts it will be so nice and clean!!!

Next week I should have some daffodils from my cutting garden area to share.

As always thanks to Jean for Hosting Blooming Tuesday. Be sure and visit her blog to see more Blooming Tuesday Gardens.

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Bloomin Tuesday - My Entry!
Bloomin Tuesday - My Entry!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5