Sun in Shining - Fingers Getting Itching for the Dirt!

Linking up today with
The sun is shining today!  It has been a cold winter with flu bugs and colds and we are all really ready for the spring time season here in Idaho!  It warmed up to 39* today - that is like 70* warmer than it was - isn't that amazing!

Over the weekend, I tromped through the snow and cleaned out the greenhouse.  It started out just cleaning a little bit, but it was toasty warm inside 80* and I just kept cleaning! 
 The herbs are getting greener and growing, the strawberries are perking up and I have flowers that are about ready to bloom.  I scattered the last of the horse manure I had all over the back area and then watered really well.

Then our darling daughter helped me get all the pots and dirt sterilized, ready to be planted.

To sterilze the pots (They are in the bag for transport from the house) we soaked them in a bleach solution.  We dumped out the dirt and did a quick rinse outside, then took them in the house and put them in the bathtub.  We soaked them in a bleach solution of 9 parts water and 1 part bleach for 30 minutes.  Let them drain, then put them in the bag and back out to the greenhouse.

To sterilize the dirt - this was left over from last year that we didn't use and we didn't want any little critters hanging out.  We used this size metal bowl, filled it with the potting soil and baked it in the oven at 200* for 40 minutes. It took all afternoon to get it all done but it is ready to go.  We will be planting seeds this next week - just watching the night time temps.
Thanks for stopping by - I have been doing herb research and will talk about that in another post.
Have a warm week!
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Sun in Shining - Fingers Getting Itching for the Dirt!
Sun in Shining - Fingers Getting Itching for the Dirt!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5