Side Yard - Fall 2012

Linking Up Today with Fertilzer Friday
Be sure and check out all the other great gardeners and walk through their gardens....
Wow I can't hardly believe it is September - so ready for the cooler temp's, but I feel like I missed a lot of summer because it was so hot.  All I did was move water from here to there and dash back into the house!  It is lovely now at our home in Idaho and I want to be outside everyday until the snow falls.

Here are some pictures of our side yard.  It is the place featured on my header.   Things have grown a lot since I took that picture.   Here it is looking at it from the patio side.  (The boards are to protect it from little people under 3 feet playing in the back yard.!)

Do you see the far end of this side? 
I have tried to grow several things here -  ground covers, plants etc and nothing will thrive. 
I have made an executive decision - I am going to cover it in bark chips and add a hammock to this area.  There is a pine tree that grows on the other side of the fence and I think it takes all the umph the ground has and the plants just don't flourish. 
I hope to get this done this fall and will post pix when that project is complete.

 The pots all have flowers in them I grew from seed - I was so excited that I was actually able to do it!
This is the view from the bottom of the side yard peeking over the fence to the play yard area.
The Centerpiece - The Pond

Thanks for stopping by! 
Today I am grateful for Fall!
 I LOVE FALL!  It is one of the reasons I love living here!
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Side Yard - Fall 2012
Side Yard - Fall 2012
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5