Hosta's and Comfrey Tea

Linking up this week with Bloomin Tuesday and Tuesday Garden Party
Bloomin Tuesday
Tuesday Garden Party
Hosta Bed
This is our front yard "Hosta Bed" there are about 20 different kinds of Hosta's in all sizes because of age. They are finally starting to fill in - our weather has been so cool it has taken them a while. I am excited to see how much they grow this summer. This is one of my favorites - though I love all Hosta's! This bed I just redid so it is a new bed - there were things not doing too well so I pulled everything out and added Hosta's here too - it connects with the above bed.
Comfrey Tea
Today I made comfrey Tea - here is one of my comfrey plants - I cut one down like it to make the tea.
You fill up a bucket 2/3's full and put a rock onthe top and then fill with water. Let it sit about 2 weeks and you have an amazing, nutritions plant fertilizer. Here is some more information about it. It is another step to being self sustaining.
Here is a post about the nutritional value of it - better than horse manure!
Sadly our freeze last week froze my beans - BOO HOO I was giving them a few days to see how they did but they are sad - I am replanting tomorrow. Notice how a few are ok and others next to them are toast!
Thanks for stopping by - hope you have a great week!
Today I am grateful for the warmth of the sunshine on my face, we haven't felt it much in Idaho yet this season.
This week is my Back Yard Week and my projects are:
Fertilize my pots - DONE
Finish weeding the cutting garden (6 feet to go) - DONE
Clean up the ditch - DONE
Lop the tree's - DONE
Do little flower bed by back gate
Replant the beans
Clean up the play yard area
Go through Woodland - Maintain
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Hosta's and Comfrey Tea
Hosta's and Comfrey Tea
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5