Overwintering Geraniums

Getting My Plants Teady for Winter

Here in Idaho we are going to get our first hard freeze tomorrow night. It is quite late this year, but that is ok because our last snow was on June 12. That means we have had about 4 months of growing season.
I got a great article on the gardening list I am on called "At Home In The Garden" posted by Patty. It is about overwintering geraniums. I do a lot of geraniums each year because the add such nice color and are so easy to take care of. I usually bring in about 5 plants to over winter. This year, following this article I am going to pull them all in and try this.
Scroll down for the article.
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Overwintering Geraniums
Overwintering Geraniums
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5