Linking up with:
Our season is so late this year because it has been so cool - weird I know because the rest of the country is so warm - the lily's are finally starting to is the first wave of them,
This is a pot in our pond area - love this spike and so excited because I can overwinter it in our greenhouse.
Here is one of the hosta's This little spot wouldn't grow anything so I tried this hosta and it loves it here. I am going to save seeds from Hosta's this year and start them in the greenhouse. I think next week I will do a hosta tour for my post.
Here are some Hop's - I haven't ever grown Hop's before, but it is doing great! Not totally sure what to do with this since we don't drink beer! Have to study this out a bit.
Holly hocks starting to grow....
Perenial Bachelor Button
Love, love, love this Astilbe! It is amazing
Daisy and Bee Balm
Apples left, cherries middle, apricots on the right - apples and apricots not quite ripe. The fruit is amazing. We are picking a 1/2 to 1 gallon of raspberries a day for now.
These are carrot seeds. I thought carrots were hard to seed . They are a biennial so you have to plant them and then get the seeds the next season . I planted them and then last fall put a bale of straw on them, this year they made it and popped right up! WOO HOO
Greenhouse Progress
We have all the boxes placed - we sprayed the weeds. This next week I am adding compost to each box.
Thanks for stopping by - this week I am thankful for fresh rain that we have been able to enjoy this past week.
Have to show you one more picture:
Now this is my favorite picture - we had a family reunion last weekend. We have a family B-day party each year. This year we did a pirate theme. We have 20 people with our kids, son in laws and grandchildren.
This is a picture of our just our kids and g-kids.
This is a picture of our just our kids and g-kids.
I was so tired when everyone left on Sunday Night - this was my kitchen Monday morning - the sink is full of cups and plates that aren't on the cupboard anymore. It is clean now - what a great time we had! (Everyone's cups are on a clothesline over the sink - that is still up - I am such a romantic!)
It is August!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5