Flowers, Fruit and Fun in the Greenhouse!

Linking Up Today With 
Be sure and check out all the other gardeners from all over the world - way cool!

Because of the cold spring we have had we are about a month behind on our flowers and  other plants.   My flowers are finally starting to bloom. Here are a few of them:                         

I was outside working and I have raspberries all  over my plants!  This is a big deal as I have tried to grow raspberries several times and failed miserable - my little patch is happy, healthy and    nearly ready for harvest.  YIPPEE   We planted them and put about 6 inches of barkchips all around them.  I think that was the ticket for them - they like acid soil and the bark chips help with that.        

I  checked my grapevines and there are the cutest little clusters of grapes all over them...they are  so great!

Our apple tree's are covered in apples, the apricot tree has apricots and the cherry's are almost ready to turn red.

 - I feel like "THE FARMER IN THE DELL!

FUN in the Greenhouse.
We  are getting things set up inside.  Here is a picture of our progress as of last night.

When we are done we will have 8 feet of propagating area at the front of the greenhouse. We will add shelves, a table and garbage can's for dirt and fertilizer. Then there will be 6 raised boxes in the front to hold the small veggies and herbs. Then behind there is an open area that will be for bigger plants, small tree's etc. We are adding a few fences to the right side for vertical gardening. On the left side will be a small pond that will be used for propagating water plants and a nursery for plants that need some TLC. On the outside of the greenhouse to the right will be a compost bin for close use in the greenhouse.
Thanks for stopping by -  Stay Cool!
Today I am grateful for the sunshine and the summer weather - of course we are in Idaho and it is low  80"s  - I know some of you have major heat going on - take care of yourselves!
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Flowers, Fruit and Fun in the Greenhouse!
Flowers, Fruit and Fun in the Greenhouse!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5