Progress in the Greenhouse

Linking up today with Tootsie at 
Check out all the great gardeners in the Garden Blog Hop Today!
I have never done seeds before like this and they are growing!  YIPPEE!

 This is the herb box - growing everyday...

 Look how much the chives have grown!
 This is the broccoli grown from seeds I gathered in the fall.
 These are the tomatoes  they are pretty happy.
 The entire greenhouse from the door looking in...
 LOVE all the green!

 My helper today....

Love Love Love the color!
 Finally - I have a few daffodils blooming outside - not sure what to think - they are blooming one month before they normally do.
They are lovely and I love having them, but does that mean my whole gardening season will be a month earlier than normal? 
I would love anyone's suggestions about this.
Today I am thankful to be a part of all this energy exploding all around me as the earth comes back to life!
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Progress in the Greenhouse
Progress in the Greenhouse
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5