Mid Point - Summer Garden

This is our mid summer mark - the middle of July - it froze here a couple of weeks ago and our first frost of the fall can be anytime in September. I wanted to take some pictures of the yard at the mid summer point.
Back Fence Area
This area used to have a huge wood pile and this bush grew up in the front of it. We moved the wood pile and had this little hidden spot. It was dubbed "The Thinking Spot." The next picture shows the little hidden alcove.

This is next to the thinking spot - it is the medicinal garden.
Cutting Garden
A Long Shot of the Cutting Garden
Here are a few of the flowers blooming in the Cutting Garden

Side Yard Area
This is looking towards the Woodland Garden
Woodland Garden
This is the view from the south
THis is the view looking from the side yard to the southThe Honeysuckle is blooming! Our Veggie Garden
Sorry for the weeds - I work on the yard one week and the garden the next -
the garden is next week.
These are the tomatoes - they love being next to this fence. We have such cool nights the tires help to keep them warmer so they do much better. These are the ghords and the beans
These are the raspberries
These are the seed plants - beets, carrots, radishes, lettuce
Strawberries, peppers, carrots, onions
More squash Corn starting to pop!
Entry Area
This is the center of the house. It is the "Hosta Bed" On the left side is the part I just did this spring and it is growing nicely. See photo below. The next photo is the right side which I haven't started - this pix is for me to study next winter so I can make my spring plans. These pictures show the long view of the "Hosta Bed" area.
This is the long view of the Hosta Bed from the driveway
Hope you have a great week!
Today I am thankful for my sweet family.
Expecting two new grandchildren anyday!
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Mid Point - Summer Garden
Mid Point - Summer Garden
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5