Linking Up with Seasonal Sunday's - be sure and check out all the fun ideas here!
I haven't posted for a while - we have been harvesting and canning like crazy people! This week is supposed to be another mild week and probably my last week in the garden. So I am getting everything ready to go to bed for the winter.
I haven't posted for a while - we have been harvesting and canning like crazy people! This week is supposed to be another mild week and probably my last week in the garden. So I am getting everything ready to go to bed for the winter.
My plans for the week which will make for a better garden next spring:
1 - I am cleaning out all our raised beds.
That means pulling up all the old plants. I am adding them to the compost boxes. I am also adding a scoop of manure to each box to brew all winter.
2 - Gathering Seeds
I have all heirloom plants so there are still a few seeds that need to be gathered. I put them all in large boxes to make sure they are dry. Then I bring them in one box at a time during a movie and extract all the seeds - store in marked containers and ready for next season planting. Also some carrot and beet plants covered with a bale of straw for seeds next year (biennial seed throwers)2 - Gathering Seeds
3 - Overwintering plants
I am planting pea seeds in one of my spring when the snow melts there are little pea plants all over and we get a nice early harvest of veggies! (I am in zone 4). I also leave the onions in the ground and by May they are 3 feet high!
4 - Weeds
Getting rid of all the weed plants in the garden
5 - Records
Making sure my gardening journal is up todate with what we planted - how much we harvested etc so I know better what we need next year. I find if I do this in the fall - I have a much better record, rather than waiting till next spring to make sure it is up todate.
6 - Plowing
Half of our garden gets plowed and half is in boxes. I will cut the corn stalks and that half will get plowed this week.
7 - Flower Beds
All of the flower beds are cut back - I need to put all the plants into the compost bins.
8 - Compost bins
When everything is added - I need to add some coffee grounds, some dirt and some water and they are ready for winter too.
A little sad that the season is ending outdoors. I have loved this fall and being out everyday. This year I have a greenhouse that will significantly add time to gardening for me and our family. Next post will be about greenhouse progress.
Thanks for stopping by!
Winterizing My (Vegetable) Garden
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5