Project Friday - Finally Spring is in Idaho and Fairy Gardens!

We have been cleaning out flower beds, getting the gardens ready and enjoying the daffodils! WOO HOO. I have quite a few theme gardens that are cleaned and green is popping up all over in them.

I wanted to add a fairy garden this year and we were able to get it started this week. But what started out as one garden has turned into a fairy neighborhood. I will update this on coming project Friday's as we complete it.

Our darling daughter is the chief architect for the first one. She still has lots to do and plants to add, but this is where it is right now:

This second one is being designed by our darling grandson who is almost four. He came today to help me put it together. It is about 3 feet to the right of the one above and next to the play yard.

When Wyatt was here a couple of days ago, he asked me if the fairies had come back yet. I told him they couldn't come back until we got their houses and yard ready for them. He is all excited to get it cleaned and ready for them to arrive.

Here are all the supplies we found around the house to use:
This is what we did this afternoon:

He is all done!
We still need to add some plants to the bare soil you can see. When Wyatt was playing in the play yard, the Fairies came to see their house, because the next time he checked it they had left sparkles all over the path and here and there.

In the Fairy Garden Neighborhood there is a secret place where wood used to be stored and the tree's and lilac bushes grew around it. We have a secret chair and table in there. We are going to paint them lime green and hang fun things also painted lime green from the tree's back in there.

We have a few more spots to add things fairy tingles to to finish our neighborhood, this has been so fun this spring!

Check out the other Project Friday Participants at


Daffodils Are Starting To Bloom!
From Blooming Tuesday
I wanted to share with you a few of our daffodil's. The tulips aren't opened yet. You have to remember, that we had snow until Friday, so these little beauties are still just waking up!

Here is another:
and another.....

As always, thanks to Jean at for hosting Blooming Tuesday. I love this day to look at everyone's gardens and how they are growing. Check out this link to see other participants
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Project Friday - Finally Spring is in Idaho and Fairy Gardens!
Project Friday - Finally Spring is in Idaho and Fairy Gardens!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5